快乐的六一节六一节的晚上,爸爸带我和妹妹去吃过桥米线,还没开饭的时候,服务员姐姐送我和妹妹每人一个气球和一个小灯笼;吃完晚餐后我们一家人去了沿江路散步;然候爸爸还送我和妹妹六一节的礼物(沙滩玩具),今年的六一节过得很开心! On the night of June 1, my father took my sister and I to have rice noodles. Before dinner, my sister and I were each given a balloon and a small lantern by the waiter. After dinner, our family went for a walk along the river road. However, my father also gave my sister and I the gifts (beach toys) of June 1, and we had a good time this year!