小鱼我们家的池塘里养了许许多多的小鱼,有草鱼、鲫鱼、鲤鱼。 。 。 。 。 。 他们在大大的池塘里快活的游来游去,幸福的生活着。 There are many small fish in our pond, including grass carp, crucian carp, carp. . . . . . They are swimming around happily in the big pond and living happily. 小鱼们个个都很贪吃。 只要一看见食物就争先恐后地向食物挤去。 有时,我们在钓鱼,它们见了鱼钩上的鱼饵,也争先恐后地游过去吃,但吃到鱼饵的鱼却被人吃了! 真是聪明反被聪明误啊! All the little fish are greedy. As soon as you see the food, you rush to the food. Sometimes, when we are fishing, they see the bait on the hook and rush to swim to eat it, but the fish that eats the bait is eaten! It's really smart, but it's wrong! 当他们兴奋的时候,他们就喜欢跃出水面,跳到空中摇尾巴。 可是,水缸里的鱼跳出水缸,就会因缺水而死。 真是乐遥生悲! When they are excited, they like to jump out of the water and wag their tails in the air. However, if the fish in the water tank jump out of the water tank, they will die of water shortage. What a joy! 我喜欢我们家池塘里的小鱼,他们虽然很淘气,但更多的是可爱! I like the small fish in our pond. Although they are naughty, they are more lovely!