如果我有翅膀如果我有翅膀那该多好呀! If only I had wings! 只要有了翅膀,上学就不用走路,不用做车。 只要用上我的翅膀,马上就到校了。 又快又节省时间。 As long as you have wings, you don't have to walk or make a car to go to school. Just use my wings and you'll be at school. Fast and time efficient. 只要有了翅膀,出差只用十几分钟或几十分钟就到地方了,都是翅膀的功劳,还特别快捷。 As long as we have wings, we only need to travel for ten minutes or dozens of minutes to get to the place. It's all the credit of wings, especially fast. 只要有了翅膀,跟亲人就不用要电话或者邮件了。 只要用翅膀,马上就到家,能节省好多遥和电呀。 As long as we have wings, we don't need to call or email our relatives. Just use your wings and get home right away. You can save a lot of money and electricity. 只要有了翅膀,生活就会很方便! As long as there are wings, life will be very convenient!