聪明的小猫有一天,小猫在小河边钓鱼,它钓到了三条又肥又大的鱼后,就兴高采烈的提着鱼回家了。 One day, the kitten was fishing by the river. When he caught three big and fat fish, he went home happily with the fish. 在回家的路上,小猫碰见了狡猾的狐狸,它怕狐狸遥走了它的鱼,就把鱼藏在胸前。 On the way home, the kitten met the sly fox. He was afraid that the fox would take his fish, so he hid the fish in his chest. 狐狸问小猫,说,“小猫,你是不是在前面的小河那里钓到的鱼? ”The fox asked the kitten, "kitten, did you catch the fish in the river ahead? "“是呀”,小猫回答到。 "Yes," replied the kitten. 狐狸吓唬道:“农民伯伯在小河里放了很多遥药,你可千万不能吃啊! ”"The farmer uncle put a lot of poison in the river, you must not eat it! " the fox said“可是,鱼怎么没死呢? ”"But why didn't the fish die? "“那……那……”狐狸被问得目瞪口呆,只好灰溜溜地走了。 "Then. . . "Then. . . " The fox was so stunned by the question that he had to go out in the dust. 聪明的小猫战胜了狡猾的狐狸,吃上了一顿美美的晚餐。 The clever kitten defeated the cunning fox and had a beautiful dinner.