爬灵山清明节,爬英灵山的时候,我看见小路弯弯曲曲,人很多,所以我决定绕道走。 On Qingming Festival, when I was climbing Yingling mountain, I saw a winding path with many people, so I decided to take a detour. 爸爸说,两点之间直线距离较短,于是,我选择走直线,节省了不少力气。 我看见英雄纪念碑上有许多小字,我看不懂写的什么,可能是太小的原因吧! 从山顶向下看,感觉很恐怖。 中午,。 Dad said that the straight-line distance between the two points is the shortest, so I chose to go straight, saving a lot of energy. I saw a lot of small characters on the monument of heroes. I can't understand what they wrote. Maybe it's too small. Looking down from the top of the mountain, I feel terrible. Noon,. 我吃了两根香肠,还到烈士墓前祭奠了先烈。 妈妈夸我长大了,我很高兴。 I ate two sausages and went to the martyr's tomb to pay homage to the martyr. My mother praised me for growing up. I'm very happy.