可爱的小蝌蚪遥,我写完作业,就到院子里去玩耍。 我来到小水池边,发现小水池里有许多的小蝌蚪,它们圆圆的脑袋,细细的身子,全身黑黑的,它们一群一群的,在水里游来游去,尾巴一摆一摆的,好像在开舞会,可爱遥了。 Today, I finished my homework and went to play in the yard. When I came to the small pool, I found that there were many tadpoles in the small pool. They had round heads, thin bodies and black bodies. They swam around in the water in groups. Their tails swung and swung as if they were having a dance. They were very lovely. 我较喜欢小蝌蚪了,你呢? 你是不是也喜欢呀? I like tadpoles best. How about you? Do you like it, too?