种豆俗话说“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”,于是植树节这天,我把从家里偷来的一粒遥豆种在学校的空地上。 我先用水把地弄湿,再挖个坑,然后把遥豆放下去,较后盖上土,浇上水。 然后我就天天等着它发芽。 小朋友们,你们说我的愿望能实现吗? As the saying goes, "when you plant a melon, you plant a bean. " so on tree planting day, I planted a yellow bean stolen from my home in the school space. I first wet the ground with water, then dig a hole, then put down the soybeans, and finally cover the soil and water. Then I waited for it to sprout every day. Children, do you think my wish can come true?