三八节,我给外婆送份礼三八节这天,我想给外婆送份礼物。 送什么礼物呢? 我想来想去,还是给外婆写封信吧? 于是,我拿出纸和笔,写了起来:On March 8, I want to give my grandmother a present. What's the gift? I want to come and go, or write a letter to grandma? So I took out my pen and paper and wrote:“亲爱的外婆:"Dear grandma遥是三八妇女节,我从压岁遥里拿出3。 8元,给您买东西吃。 Today is March 8 women's day. I took 3 out of the new year's money. 8 yuan, buy you something to eat. 敬祝外婆Congratulations to grandma越来越年轻、健康、美丽! More and more young, healthy and beautiful! 外孙 唐凯 贺Grandson Tang Kaihe2009年3月8日 ”March 8, 2009 "信封上写着:The envelope says:“312400"312400浙江省嵊州市文星东路号No. , Wenxing East Road, Shengzhou City, Zhejiang Province斯菊林女士收Miss siulin北京清华大学唐寄”Tang Ji, Tsinghua University, Beijing傍晚,外婆回家了,我把信交给了外婆。 外婆兴高采烈地拆开信,取出3。 8元遥,对我说:“谢谢小凯,你为什么在寄信人一栏里写着清华大学? ”In the evening, grandma went home. I gave the letter to grandma. Grandma happily opened the letter and took out 3. Eight yuan, said to me: "thank you, Xiao Kai, why do you write Tsinghua University in the sender's column? "我自豪地回答说:“上清华大学,是我的理想呀! ”I replied proudly, "it's my ideal to go to Tsinghua University! "这时,外婆、外公、大姨都哈哈大笑起来。 At this time, grandma, Grandpa and aunt all laughed.