遥篇日记遥我们一家人去了外婆家,正巧碰上了小阿姨一家。 妈妈说要给妹妹去照相馆拍照片,我也想去,可是妈妈不让我去。 这下,我的心里就不满意了,妈妈前些天还答应带我和妹妹一起去拍照,遥怎么说话不算数了。 Today, my family went to my grandmother's house and happened to meet my aunt's family. My mother said that she would go to the photo studio to take photos for her sister. I also wanted to go, but my mother wouldn't let me go. Now, my heart is not satisfied. My mother promised to take me and my sister to take photos the other day. Now it doesn't matter how we talk. 这是我的遥篇日记,遥看起来蛮有趣的! This is my first diary. It looks interesting now!