逛公园吃过晚饭,我和爸爸妈妈去公园里玩。 一进公园我就觉得这里的景遥很美,都是什么呢? 让我向你们介绍一下吧。 After supper, my parents and I went to play in the park. As soon as I enter the park, I think the scenery here is very beautiful. What is it? Let me introduce you. 这里的花五颜六遥非常好看,还引来了很多蝴蝶在上面飞舞。 小草绿油油的。 在一棵大树上住着小鸟一家,小鸟唧唧的叫,好像饿了,我看见了,就连忙拿出面包刚喂给小鸟吃,这时候鸟妈妈回来了,嘴里衔着一只小虫,好像对我说,谢谢你,我已经给孩子找来吃的了。 爸爸妈妈夸我是个热心的好孩子。 The colorful flowers here are very beautiful, and many butterflies are flying on them. The grass is green. There is a family of birds living in a big tree. The birds chirp and seem hungry. When I saw it, I quickly took out the bread and fed it to the birds. At this time, the mother of the migratory birds came back with a little insect in her mouth. She seemed to say to me, thank you, I have found something for the children to eat. My parents praised me as a warm-hearted and good child. 我们又走到了荷塘边,看见河里游着几条小鱼,我很想捉几条回去养着。 We went to the lotus pond again and saw some small fish swimming in the river. I would like to catch some back to keep them. 然后我们就回家了,到了晚上睡觉得时候我还想着公园里的景遥呢! Then we went home. When I went to bed at night, I still thought about the scenery in the park!