我家有只小狗我家有只小狗,它很可爱,我给它取名叫草莓。 I have a little dog at home. It's lovely. I call it strawberry. 每天我上学时,草莓会在前面给我带路,要是遇到拐弯的地方,它会停下来等我,直到送我到校门口。 回家以后,我会奖励它一块遥或者骨头,它会对着我摇摇尾巴,那模样真可爱。 Every day when I go to school, strawberry will show me the way in front of me. If I meet a corner, it will stop and wait for me until it takes me to the school gate. When I get home, I will reward him with a piece of meat or bone, and he will wag his tail at me, which is lovely.