星星天空晴朗的日子里,夜晚的天空中就会出现许许多多闪闪发光眨着调皮的眼睛,夜晚的星星把整个天空布置得非长美丽。 灿烂的群星在银河里闪动,像一盏盏亮晶晶的银灯。 On a clear day, there will be many mischievous eyes in the sky at night. The stars at night make the whole sky beautiful. Brilliant stars flash in the Milky way, like a bright silver lamp. 星星闪闪发光。 逗人喜爱。 如果我们的心灵都象星星一样纯洁遥的发亮发光,那我们的世界将变的更美丽! The stars are shining. Cute. If our hearts are as pure and shining as stars, our world will become more beautiful!