小桃仁有个小桃核,里面住着一个雪白学白美丽的小桃仁。 桃核就是小桃仁的家。 小标题桃仁裹在漂亮的红缎的被子里,睡了整整的一个寒冬。 There is a small peach kernel, in which lives a white and beautiful peach kernel. Peach kernel is the home of little peach kernel. Peach kernel wrapped in a beautiful red satin quilt, slept a whole cold winter. 有一天,小桃仁突然听见有人喊它的名字,:小桃仁你是谁呀! 我是春风呀! 我来告诉你,冬季过去了,春天来了,地上的雪化了,草儿长出了小芽,快出来玩吧! 小桃仁钻出暖和的红被子,打开门,有又一个声音说小桃仁,我是春雨,我来告诉你,春天来了,草地绿了,花儿开了,你的妈妈也换上了粉红遥的春装! 快出来玩吧! 小桃仁喝了一口水,挺了挺自己的身体,终于出来了一道暖和的阳光照射在它身上,暖和遥了,太阳公公,我是小桃仁,和您玩的,你的朋友好多呀,有小鸟在为你歌唱,蝴蝶为你跳舞>太阳公公说:欢迎小桃仁你的加入,我们都爱你。 这时小桃仁众于看见了自己好久也没见的美丽的妈妈,它快乐地喊到:妈妈,我是你的小桃仁,我来看你了。 妈妈! One day, xiaotaoren suddenly heard someone calling its name, who are you? I'm the spring wind! I'll tell you that winter has passed, spring has come, the snow on the ground has melted, grass has sprouted, come out and play; Xiaotaoren, I'm the spring rain. I'll tell you that spring is coming, the grass is green, the flowers are blooming, and your mother has put on the pink spring clothes! Come out and play quickly! & quot; xiaotaoren drank a mouthful of water, stood up and finally came out with a warm sun shining on it, which is extremely warm; Grandpa sun, I'm xiaotaoren. I play with you. Your friends are so many. There are birds singing for you and butterflies dancing for you. &At this time, Taoren saw her beautiful mother, whom she had not seen for a long time. She cried happily: & quot; mom, I'm your Taoren. I've come to see you. Mom;