树叶遥是什么好日子,风儿吹,树儿摇。 风儿吹,树儿摇,叶儿满天飞。 秋姑娘说;叶儿在跳舞欢迎我! What's a good day today? The wind blows and the trees shake. The wind blows, the trees shake and the leaves fly all over the sky. Autumn girl said, ye'er is dancing to welcome me! 遥是什么好日子风儿吹,树儿摇。 风儿吹,树儿摇,片片像飞鸟。 飞上天,落下地。 飘在大地上。 夏姑娘说;叶儿笑这送我走。 What kind of day is it today? The wind blows and the trees shake. The wind blows, the trees shake, and the pieces are like birds. Fly to the sky and fall to the ground. Floating on the earth. Miss Xia said, ye'er smiled and sent me away.