时钟我家一台四四方方的电子时钟,挂在客厅的墙上,它每天嘀嘀嗒嗒走个不停。 时针短,分针长,秒针是红遥,时钟上面有一至十二遥数字,秒针走一圈是六十秒,是一分钟,分针走一圈是六十分是一小时,时针走一格是一小时,一圈是十二小时。 它日日夜夜不停地走着,每走一小时,遥响一下,两小时响两下,三小时响三下……My home a four square electronic clock, hanging on the wall of the living room, it keeps ticking every day. The hour hand is short, the minute hand is long, and the second hand is red. There are one to twelve Arabic numerals on the clock. One circle of the second hand is sixty seconds, one minute, one circle of the minute hand is sixty minutes, one hour, one grid of the hour hand is one hour, and one circle is twelve hours. It keeps walking day and night. Every hour it goes, the bell rings once, twice in two hours, three times in three hours有了时钟和我做伴,我知道什么时候上学,做作业,吃饭和休息,有了它我从未迟到和早退,在它的帮助下我学习进步很快。 With the clock and my company, I know when to go to school, do homework, eat and rest. With it, I have never been late or leave early. With its help, I have made rapid progress in my study. 我爱时钟,时钟是我较亲密的朋友。 I love clock. Clock is my closest friend.