拿成绩单遥吃过早饭以后,我到学校拿成绩单。 After breakfast today, I went to school to get my report card. 当我走进教室的时候,人头攒动,座无虚席。 老师把成绩单发下来,我看看成绩单,语文八十七,数学九十六,我心里怎么也高兴不起来。 因为我这次语文没考好,不但没得老师的表扬,反儿挨了批评,高分与我擦肩而过,原因是我写字太慢,有一道题目没做。 When I came into the classroom, I was filled with people. The teacher sent out the report card. I looked at the report card, Chinese 87, math 96. I couldn't be happy. Because I didn't do well in the Chinese test this time, not only didn't get the teacher's praise, but also was criticized. The high score passed me by. The reason is that I wrote too slowly and didn't do a problem. 从今以后我要下工夫把字写快写好,考出好成绩,回报老师对我的期望。 From now on, I will work hard to write fast, get good grades and repay my teacher's expectation.