奥林匹克吃饭大赛遥中午,我和爸爸、妈妈举行了奥林匹克吃饭遥。 This afternoon, my father and mother and I had an Olympic dinner competition. 首先,当主持人的我宣布了游戏规则。 First of all, when I was the host, I announced the rules of the game. 1.爸爸吃3碗,妈妈吃2碗,我吃1碗。 1. Father eat 3 bowls, mother eat 2 bowls, I eat 1 bowl. 2.不能狼吞虎咽,要细嚼慢咽。 2. Don't gobble, chew slowly. 3.遥名喝一勺汤,第二名喝一碗汤,第三名喝一锅汤。 3. The first drink a spoon of soup, the second drink a bowl of soup, and the third drink a pot of soup. 遥开始了。 The game began. 吃,吃,吃,我加油! Eat, eat, eat, I cheer! 吃,吃,吃,妈妈加油! Eat, eat, eat, mom come on! 吃,吃,吃,爸爸减油! Eat, eat, eat, Dad cut oil! 遥名产生了:爸爸。 爸爸有些得意。 First came: Dad. Dad was a little smug. 第二名产生了:我。 我高兴地一蹦三尺高。 Second place came: me. I jumped three feet high with joy. 第三名产生了:妈妈。 妈妈有些不服气。 The third came out: Mom. My mother was a little unconvinced. 这下子妈妈可惨了,因为她可要喝一锅汤啊。 Now my mother is miserable because she needs a pot of soup.