大象大遥,我和爷爷去动物园看大象。 Today, Grandpa and I went to the zoo to see the elephant. 大象真大呀。 它有我们教室那么高,身体是土遥的。 The elephant is so big. It is as tall as our classroom, and its body is earthy yellow. 它的四条腿非常粗,像柱子。 身子像个面包车。 Its four legs are very thick, like pillars. Like a van. 它有长长的鼻子,像大蟒蛇,能抓食物,也能喷水。 不像我的鼻子,只能流鼻涕。 It has a long nose, like a boa constrictor. It can catch food and spray water. Unlike my nose, it can only run. 它有两颗又长又弯又尖又白又大的牙,像小船,像弯月。 It has two long, curved, sharp, white and big teeth, like a boat, like a moon. 还有两只大大的耳朵,像铁扇公主的芭蕉扇。 There are also two big ears, like Iron Fan Princess banana fan. 遥上有小尾巴,像辫子,更像苍蝇拍子。 不像我,遥上光秃秃的。 There are little tails on the buttocks, like plaits, more like fly swatters. It's not like me. It's bald. 我爱大象,就像大象爱我一样。 I love elephants just as elephants love me.