金鱼变成五环了2008年5月1日 星期四 晴Thursday, May 1, 2008“淇淇,看看人工湖里的金鱼。 ”"Qiqi, look at the goldfish in the artificial lake. "“呀! 老爸,金鱼变成奥运五环了。 ”"Ah! Dad, goldfish has become the Olympic rings. "“还真像耶。 ”"It's really like that. "这个金鱼五环真好看。 你看,蓝环像一颗颗宝石,黑环像一只只蝴蝶,红环像一朵朵梅花,遥环像国旗上的五角星,绿环像一片片柳叶。 The five rings of the goldfish are really nice. You see, the blue ring is like jewels, the black ring is like a butterfly, the red ring is like a plum blossom, the yellow ring is like a pentagram on the national flag, and the green ring is like a willow leaf. 多么可爱的小金鱼呀! 也许这些小天使在给北京奥运会祝福吧。 What a lovely little goldfish! Maybe these little angels are blessing the Beijing Olympic Games.