可爱的大熊猫暑假的一天,我和爸爸来到了兰州五泉山动物园。 “爸爸,看,那是大熊猫! ”One day in the summer vacation, my father and I came to Lanzhou Wuquanshan zoo. "Dad, look, it's a giant panda! "“真的耶。 那你……说说它的样子。 ”"Really. Then you. . . Tell me what it looks like. "“大熊猫的头和身子是白遥的,只有眼圈、耳朵、鼻子和四肢是黑遥的。 黑黑的眼圈长在白白的脸上,好像一副黑眼镜。 ”"The head and body of the giant panda are white, only the eyes, ears, nose and limbs are black. Black eyes grow on the white face, like a pair of black glasses. "“说得很棒! 再说说它还有什么特点? ”"Great! What are the other features of it? "“大熊猫爱吃竹子,又爱睡觉,身体长的胖乎乎的,真是可爱! ”"Giant pandas love to eat bamboo and sleep. They are chubby and lovely! "“说得太棒了! 淇淇。 ”"That's great! Qi Qi. 大熊猫真可爱,我喜欢! Giant panda is so cute, I like it!