猫咪小贝星期四,学校组织我们看电影。 不过这次我们不是在电影院看的,而是把电影院的胶片借来,在流动电影棚里看的。 On Thursday, the school organized us to watch movies. But this time we didn't watch it in the cinema. We borrowed the film from the cinema and watched it in the mobile studio. 我们看的电影名叫《猫咪小贝》。 从前在一个猫咪家庭里,猫妈妈生了两只小猫,一只叫小宝,一只叫小贝。 有一天,小贝被一个小男孩给捉走了,小男孩把小贝送给了他的妹妹。 第二天,小女孩带着她的猫,坐她爸爸的车去郊外玩。 在路上,装小贝的盒子从车上掉了下去,滚到了一片草地上。 小贝从盒子里出来以后,来到了一片森林里。 它在那里打败了野狼、遥蛇、狐狸,还有捕捉小动物的猎人这些坏蛋,也交了很多的好朋友,比如:兔子、小鹿、鼹鼠。 The movie we watched was called "kitty Beckham". Once upon a time, in a cat family, mother cat gave birth to two kittens, one is Xiaobao and the other is Xiaobei. One day, Xiaobei was caught by a little boy. The little boy gave Xiaobei to his sister. The next day, the little girl took her cat to the countryside in her father's car. On the way, the box containing Xiaobei fell from the car and rolled to a meadow. After Xiaobei came out of the box, he came to a forest. It defeated the bad guys like wolves, vipers, foxes, and small animal hunters there, and made many good friends, such as rabbits, deer, moles. 它不仅交了很多的朋友,也从它们那里学到了很多本遥,还用自己的智慧帮助了它的的朋友们。 它在经历了很多困难之后,终于有回到了妈妈的身边。 看完这部电影,我觉得我们一定要勇敢,只要我们努力,什么事都能作到,什么困难都能克服。 It not only made a lot of friends, but also learned a lot of skills from them. It also helped its friends with its own wisdom. After a lot of difficulties, it finally came back to her mother. After watching this movie, I think we must be brave. As long as we work hard, we can do everything and overcome all difficulties.