不一样的小鸟放暑假了,我和妈妈乘火车到外婆家去看望年迈的外婆和生病的外公。 It's summer vacation. My mother and I take the train to my grandmother's house to visit my old grandmother and my sick grandfather. 刚到家就听见“喂,喂”的鸟叫声。 原来是一只小鸟,长长的嘴巴,黑溜溜的眼睛,棕遥的羽毛,非常一般。 但是尾巴上左右两边各有一根白遥的毛,很遥特。 我马上就知道了这只小鸟的学名,叫斑鸠。 As soon as I got home, I heard the bird "Hello, hello". It turned out to be a bird with a long mouth, black eyes, brown feathers, very common. But there is a white hair on the left and right sides of the tail, which is very unique. I immediately learned the scientific name of the bird, which is called turtle dove. 我伸出一根手指,在它面前转来转去,它可能认为我的手指是条虫子,扇了扇翅膀,又叫了起来,好象在说:“我饿了,我饿了! ”这时,大舅回来了,他告诉我:“这只小斑鸠是从我的办公室窗户上抓回来的,还不会飞呢。 ”我看着这只离开自己家、离开亲人的小鸟时,我有些伤心。 于是我为了永远纪念这只离巢的小鸟,给它起了一个有起因的名字,就叫:“离巢 ”。