动物园遥天气真不错。 It's a nice day today. 遥老师和同学们一起兴高采烈地来到了动物园。 他们来到了猴山,看见了许许多多活泼可爱的猴子。 大家看见一只较顽皮的猴子,它一边吃着苹果一边抓住山石在踢腿,还以为自己是体操遥子呢! 有一只猴子一动不动的坐着,它呆呆望着天空,心里在想要是我能成为孙悟空该有多好啊! 还有一只猴子很滑稽,睁着大大的眼睛,傻傻的看着人群,挠着头皮,不知在想些什么“鬼点子”Mr. Huang and his classmates came to the zoo happily. They came to monkey mountain and saw many lively and lovely monkeys. We saw one of the most naughty monkeys, it was eating apples while holding on to the rocks in kicking, thought he was the prince of gymnastics! There is a monkey sitting motionless, it is staring at the sky, in the heart want to be how good I can be monkey king! Another monkey is funny. He looks at the crowd with wide eyes and scratches his scalp. He doesn't know what "ghost idea" he is thinking大家看的高兴的时候,遥老师说“要回家了,”同学们心里真有点依依不舍。 When everyone was happy, Mr. Huang said, "I'm going home. " the students were a little reluctant.