母爱无边世界上较伟大,较无私的爱莫过于母爱。 The greatest and selfless love in the world is maternal love. 去年时候,全家人决定去印尼---巴厘岛旅游,我心里非常兴奋,就在去前几天,我发高烧大概40℃,妈妈知道后拿起包,穿好鞋急急匆匆地带我直奔医院。 Last year, my family decided to travel to Bali, Indonesia. I was very excited. Just a few days before I went, I had a high fever of about 40 ℃. My mother picked up the bag and put on the shoes to take me to the hospital in a hurry. 一到医院,医生说:“体温很高,必须挂盐水,快的话要1-3天,慢的话要5-6天。 ”妈妈听了后,脸遥苍白的说:“那可着么办要去旅游着么办好呀? ”“那先挂几天盐水,去的时候再开几幅药好了。 ”医生说道。 When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor said, "the temperature is very high, so I have to hang salt water. It will take 1-3 days for fast and 5-6 days for slow. " After listening to her mother, she said with a pale face, "what can I do for a trip? " "I'll hang the salt water for a few days, and then I'll prescribe some more when I go. " Said the doctor. 妈妈拿着医生开的单子,开了药,挂完了盐水,我们回到了家里。 吃晚饭时,妈妈特地买了我较爱吃的东西,还一口一口地把药喂我喝,吃完药还给了我一颗糖,让我开心。 妈妈还为我做了好多好多事,你看这是一种多么广博,多么无私的爱呀! 爱是无价、爱是无私的,什么东西无法代替的爱。 Mom took the doctor's list, prescribed the medicine, hung up the salt water, and we went home. At dinner, my mother specially bought my favorite food and gave me the medicine one mouthful at a time. After eating the medicine, she gave me a sugar to make me happy. Mother also did a lot of things for me. You see how broad and selfless love it is! Love is priceless, unselfish and irreplaceable. 我爱我的妈妈,母爱无边。 I love my mother. I love her so much.