快乐的游戏遥星期四的大课间,我们举行了呼啦圈的遥。 On Thursday, we had a hula hoop competition. 大家一个个兴高采烈,都带着呼啦圈,来到了活动的地方,我的心里很激动,等待遥的开始。 Everyone was in high spirits and came to the activity place with hula hoop. My heart was very excited and waiting for the start of the game. 随着老师的一声令下“预备——开始! ”我们大家把五颜六遥的呼啦圈转了起来,只有张诚竟髅挥写衾踩Γ膊换嶙缓玫惫壑诹恕A趺餍膊换嶙一乖诤艉舻淖Αa我用全身的力气转,但不小心呼啦圈掉下来了。 With the teacher's order, "prepare - start! " We all turned the colorful hula hoop. Only Zhang Cheng wrote about how to change the hoop from one to another, and how to change the hoop from one to another. I used all my strength to turn the hoop, but it fell down. 老师宣布五个人得了并列遥名,他们是解家雨、高嘉伟、庄世龙、魏欣然、胡新涛,我们大家十分羡慕。 虽然,我们没有排上好名次,但我玩得很开心! The teacher announced that five people won the first place in the tie. They are Xie Jiayu, Gao Jiawei, Zhuang Shilong, Wei Xinran and Hu Xintao. We all envy them. Although we didn't rank well, I had a good time!