千年遥的日全食几天前,我听舅舅说:“杭州七月二十二日会有几百年难得一遇的天文奇观:“日全食。 ”遥早上大约九点,我和同学正在写作业。 A few days ago, I heard my uncle say, "on July 22, Hangzhou will have a rare astronomical spectacle in hundreds of years:" total solar eclipse. " At about nine this morning, my classmates and I were doing our homework. 忽然,天变黑了,太阳的中间像被天狗吃掉了。 变成了一个环形的光圈。 人们都在争相拍日全食这一景呢! 老师对我说:“日全食是太阳和月亮排成一条线,月亮遮住了太阳的“眼睛”。 听老师这么一说,我恍然大悟:“哦,原来如此。 ”Suddenly, it became dark, and the middle of the sun seemed to be eaten by the dog. It becomes a circular aperture. People are competing to take pictures of the total solar eclipse! The teacher said to me, "a total solar eclipse is a line between the sun and the moon. The moon covers the sun's eyes. ". When the teacher said this, I suddenly realized, "Oh, I see. "我可真够幸运呀! 几百年难得一遇的天文奇观竟然被我遇上了。 How lucky I am! I met the astronomical spectacle once in a hundred years.