母爱无价我曾读过这样一篇小故事。 让我感动不已:I have read such a small story. I was moved:“山村里住着一对遥,老母亲瘫痪了,老母亲非常疼爱儿子,遥子对母亲却很不孝顺。 天长地久,儿子心里厌倦了,想把老母亲背到山里扔掉,在路上儿子看到母亲顺手折了一些树枝不断的丢到路上,感到很奇怪,于是儿子问母亲:‘你丢树枝干什么? ’母亲告诉儿子说:‘这样做是为了你回家时不会迷路。 ’听了母亲的话,儿子流下了悔恨的泪水,感到非常羞愧。 ”"There is a mother and son living in the mountain village. The old mother is paralyzed. The old mother loves her son very much, but the son is not filial to her. For a long time, the son was tired of carrying the old mother to the mountain and throwing it away. On the way, the son saw his mother folding some branches and throwing them on the road. He felt very strange. So the son asked his mother, "what are you doing with the branches? " The mother told her son, "this is so that you don't get lost when you go home. " After listening to his mother's words, his son shed tears of regret and was very ashamed. "我想儿子应该会马上把老母亲背回家,好好孝顺她,有空时就陪母亲聊聊天、背她出去散散心,让老母亲安享晚年。 I think the son should immediately carry the old mother home and be filial to her. When he has time, he will chat with his mother and take her out to relax, so that the old mother can enjoy her old age. 真是人间有千种情,唯有亲情较永恒;世间有万般爱,只有母爱较伟大! 跟母亲来比,那做儿子的有多渺小呀! It's true that there are thousands of feelings in the world, only family love is the most eternal; there are all kinds of love in the world, only maternal love is the greatest! How small is the son compared with his mother!