摘樱桃上周,星期天,天气晴朗,阳光明媚。 我、爸爸、妈妈、妹妹等,我们一起去摘樱桃。 Last week, Sunday, it was sunny and sunny. I, Dad, mom, sister, etc. Let's go to pick cherries together. 在玉峰山的山坡上,空气非常新鲜。 我摘了一个红彤彤樱桃,放在嘴时,轻轻一咬,一股醋酸的、甜甜的果汁流进我的喉咙,新鲜的果汁叫人越吃越爱吃。 On the hillside of Yufeng mountain, the air is very fresh. I picked a red cherry and put it in my mouth. I bit it gently. A stream of acetic acid and sweet juice flowed into my throat. Fresh juice made people love it more and more. 每年都要举行樱桃节,站在樱桃树下亲自摘樱桃吃。 就在这快乐的樱桃节里,重庆各地来渝北的客人,一年比一年多,人山人海,车水马龙。 Every year there is a cherry festival, standing under the cherry tree and picking cherries to eat. In this happy cherry festival, guests from all over Chongqing come to Yubei, more than one year a year, a sea of people, traffic.