因祸得福星期天一早起来,我感到有点难受,一量体温,呀! 快38度了。 本来想遥出去玩,看来是不行了。 妈妈说:“发烧就要多喝水,多休息,这样才能好得快。 ”唉! 只好这样了。 I get up early on Sunday, I feel a little uncomfortable. Take my temperature, ah! It's nearly 38 degrees. I thought I would go out to play today. It seems that I can't. Mom said, "if you have a fever, you should drink more water and rest more, so that you can get better quickly. " Alas! This is the only way. 我躺在遥上,盖着毛巾被。 把我的神奇宝贝按厉害程度摆在毛巾被上。 我一边用手比划着,一边自言自语地编着有趣的小故事。 我的样子把妈妈逗笑了。 I was lying in bed, covered with a towel quilt. Put my magic baby on the towel quilt. I was making up interesting stories with my hands and talking to myself. My appearance made my mother laugh. 妈妈忙完家务,我们一起捧来一些报纸和故事书。 开始,我和妈妈自己看自己的。 后来,妈妈提议看到好文章可以给对方读,看谁读得既流利又声情并茂。 妈妈读的时候,动作和表情非常夸张。 妈妈的样子把我逗笑了。 After mom finished the housework, we brought some newspapers and story books together. At first, my mother and I looked at ourselves. Later, my mother suggested reading good articles to each other to see who could read them fluently and eloquently. When my mother read, her movements and expressions were exaggerated. My mother's appearance made me laugh. 下午我还美美地睡了一大觉。 I also had a good sleep in the afternoon. 这一天不知不觉地就过去了。 虽然我发烧了,没出去玩,但是我在家里也过得很开心。 The day passed unconsciously. Although I had a fever and didn't go out to play, I had a good time at home.