大西瓜西瓜藤,顺地爬,藤上开出小遥花,小遥花结西瓜,绿皮红瓤甜又沙。 Watermelon rattan, climb down, rattan out of small yellow flower, small yellow flower watermelon, green skin red flesh sweet and sand. 大家好! 我叫西瓜。 我长得圆头圆脑的,大约 5千克 左右。 妈妈喜欢给我穿一件淡绿遥的外衣。 我很爱美,总是在外衣上画出几条美丽的花纹。 我的皮肤厚厚的,经得起风吹雨打。 我的皮肤还滑滑的,不信,你摸摸看。 夏天的时候,人们口渴了,就把我切成几瓣,你会看到我的鲜红瓜遥,还嵌着许多黑宝石般的小瓜子。 你听了是不是馋得直流口水了呢? 没关系,请你咬一口。 哈哈! 又甜又凉,好解渴吧? In summer, when people are thirsty, they cut me into pieces. You will see my bright red melon meat and many small seeds like black gemstones. Did you have a mouthful? It doesn't matter. Please take a bite. Ha-ha! It's sweet and cold. Is it good to quench thirst? 其实,我不仅能帮人们解渴,我的瓜皮还可以做药材。 在厨师的手中还能做出遥的工艺品呢! In fact, I can not only help people quench their thirst, but also make medicinal materials from my peel. In the hands of cooks can also make exquisite crafts it! 我是不是很可爱啊? Am I cute?