回忆5.1208年的5月12日,我听到了一个惊天动地的噩耗。 四川汶川发生了一场大遥。 温家宝爷爷听到了这个消息,立刻派救兵前去救营。 救兵一来到现场,发现整个天地摇晃起来。 他们急忙冲上去,不料,才冲到半路,轰的一声,房屋倒塌了。 眼前一片废墟。 救兵们开始对埋在废墟中的人展开了救援。 一个小时,两个小时,三个小时。 。 。 。 。 。 On May 12, 2008, I heard a shocking news. There was a big earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province. When Grandpa Wen Jiabao heard the news, he immediately sent rescuers to the rescue camp. As soon as the rescuers arrived at the scene, they found the whole world shaking. And they rushed up, and, Behold, they came halfway, and with a loud roar, the house fell. There are ruins in front of us. The rescuers began to rescue the people buried in the ruins. One hour, two hours, three hours. . . . . . 终于,救出了两个人,这两个人已是满身的伤痕,衣服上沾满了鲜血。 可他们没有遥望,还是勇敢的活过来了。 Finally, two people were rescued. They were covered with scars and their clothes were covered with blood. But they did not despair, or brave to survive. 过了几天,从遥各地赶来支援的人越来越多了。 其中有遥、消防员、医生、教师等各行各业的人。 在汶川这片废墟的土地上,又有许多人被营救上来了。 有的骨折了,有的手断了,还有的。 。 。 。 。 较让人心痛的就和是,和我一样大的孩子,或者比我要小的孩子,失去了关爱他们的父母。 这次的遥,我一辈子也不会忘记。 09年的5月12日,我在电视上又看到了一幕幕感人的画面汶川那片废墟的土地上,一座座高楼拔地而起,临时板房里居住的人也越来越少了。 人们的欢笑声也多了起来。 看到一张张饱经风霜的笑脸,我明白了坚强的重要,也明白了团结的重要。 On May 12, 2009, I saw another touching picture on TV. On the ruins of Wenchuan, there are many tall buildings rising, and there are fewer and fewer people living in temporary plank houses. There was more laughter. Seeing a weathered smile, I understand the importance of being strong and the importance of unity. 大自然给予我们的灾难,我们只能选择承受。 但我相信,只要我们遥人心连心,没有什么可以压倒我们的。 We can only choose to bear the disaster that nature has given us. But I believe that as long as our Chinese people are united, nothing can overwhelm us.