扶盲人奶奶过马路放学后,冬冬走在回家的路上。 马路上的车可真多呀,有公共汽车,小轿车,摩托车……真是川流不息,车水马龙。 After school, Dongdong is on his way home. There are so many cars on the road. There are buses, cars, motorcycles It's a steady stream of traffic. 突然,冬冬看见一位老奶奶拿着拐杖在斑马遥打转转。 “太危险了。 ”冬冬赶快跑过去,问:“老奶奶,您需要帮助吗? ”Suddenly, Dongdong saw an old woman with a cane on the zebra crossing. "It's too dangerous. " Dongdong ran over and asked, "grandma, do you need any help? "老奶奶说:“我是个盲人,我想去对面书店去给我孙子买本书。 ”Grandma said, "I'm blind. I want to go to the opposite bookstore to buy a book for my grandson. "冬冬说:“那我扶您去,好吗? ”Dongdong said, "shall I help you? "奶奶说:“好呀,谢谢你。 ”Grandma said, "OK, thank you. "冬冬就扶着老奶奶过了过路。 In winter, she helped her grandmother across the road. 周围的人看见了,都夸冬冬是个有爱心的好孩子。 连司机叔叔也从车窗伸出了大拇指。 The people around me saw it and boasted that Dongdong was a good and caring child. Even the driver's uncle showed his thumb through the window.