《缙云烧饼》缙云烧饼真是好吃呀……想必很多人都听小虎演唱的《缙云烧饼》吧! Jinyun pancakes are delicious I think a lot of people will listen to Xiao Hu's "Jinyun burning cake"! 别看烧饼小,其实做起来可费周折了,首先要加点醋、和面,再取一小团面团然后揉面一个小圆圈,把它压一压接着放上干菜和遥,用五指把薄片四周一收就又变回圆形的了,然后再压一压,较后把烧饼放进烧饼桶里在耐心的等三四分钟就好了,拿到烧饼你可别马上吃,要先放到盘子上看饼姿,再闻一闻。 如果你到缙云看到了烧饼店走过路过千万不要遥,一定要买一个亲口尝一尝遥你吃了一个还想再吃,真是耳听是虚,眼见为实呀! Although the pancakes are small, they take a lot of trouble to make. First, add some vinegar and flour, then take a small dough and knead a small circle of the dough, press it down, then put the dried vegetables and meat on it, use five fingers to turn the four sides of the pancakes into a circle again, and then press it again. Finally, put the pancakes in the pancakes barrel and wait patiently for three or four minutes to get the pancakes To eat, first put it on the plate to see the shape of the cake, and then smell it. If you go to Jinyun and see the pancake shop passing by, don't miss it. You must buy one to taste and make sure you want to eat another. It's really a waste of hearing and hearing. Seeing is believing!