可爱的小外甥遥是我大姑的儿子——我大表哥结婚的日子。 一大早,我们就准备好了,然后爸爸开车,我们很快就来到了大姑家。 Today is my aunt's son, my big cousin's wedding day. Early in the morning, we were ready, and then dad drove, we soon came to aunt's house. 在这里我见到了老姑的外孙,也就是我的小外甥。 当我问他几岁的时候,他很自豪地告诉我四岁了,我还问他属什么的,他说属狗的。 我问完他之后,他就开始问我了,真有意思! 他问我几岁属什么的,我一一告诉了他。 他还问我上学了吗? 我说上了,他又问上几年遥,我说二年遥。 然后问我的名字,我说叫荆凡瑞。 我心想,这个小不点,好像什么都懂似的。 我问他叫什么名字,他说叫唐利。 之后我们便成了形影不离的好朋友,他一上午都和我在一起,就像个跟屁虫似的,时刻不离左右。 Here I met my aunt's grandson, my little nephew. When I asked him how old he was, he proudly told me that he was four years old. I also asked him what he belonged to. He said it belonged to dogs. After I asked him, he began to ask me. It was so interesting! He asked me how old I was, and I told him one by one. Did he ask me if I went to school? I said, he asked what grade, I said second grade. Then asked my name, I said jingfanrui. I thought to myself, this is a little bit, as if I know everything. I asked him what his name was, and he said it was tangley. After that, we became inseparable good friends. He was with me all morning, like a follower, always around. 他在地上捡到一根麻绳,拽着我的手就来绑我,可我逃走了,他没绑住。 见绑不住我,他就拿一块砖头来打我,可是也打不着。 看他忙活得小脸红扑扑的,我就忍不住想笑。 He picked up a hemp rope on the ground, grabbed my hand and bound me, but I ran away, he didn't tie it. Seeing that he couldn't tie me up, he hit me with a brick, but he couldn't either. I can't help laughing at his busy face. 后来我要回家了,他也有些依依不舍。 我忘不了这个小家伙,不知道什么时候才能再见到这个淘气又可爱的小外甥。 Later, when I was going home, he was reluctant to part with me. I can't forget this little guy. I don't know when I will see this naughty and lovely nephew again.