数学在我身边遥晚上,爸爸妈妈带我去多多餐厅吃饭。 “多多”真是名不虚传,里面菜的品种真是琳琅满目、数不胜数,看得我眼花怕摇a我们点了茄子、空心菜、3只乌贼、遥蒸蛋、鱼片汤和3碗饭。 茄子1元5角,空心菜1元,遥蒸蛋2元,乌贼7元5角,饭3元。 This evening, mom and Dad took me to Duoduo restaurant for dinner. "Duoduo" is well-known. There are so many kinds of dishes in it. I'm afraid that we ordered eggplant, cabbage, three squid, steamed egg with meat, fish soup and three bowls of rice. Eggplant 1 yuan 5 jiao, cabbage 1 yuan, steamed egg 2 yuan, squid 7 yuan 5 jiao, rice 3 yuan. 爸爸问我:“上面的菜一共15元,总计花了23元,一碗汤多少遥? ”My father asked me, "the above dish is 15 yuan in total. It costs 23 yuan in total. How much is a bowl of soup? "我脱口而出:“汤一碗8元。 ”I blurted out, "eight yuan for a bowl of soup. "爸爸说:“算得真快,如果能说说是怎么算的就更棒了。 ”Dad said, "it's so fast. If you can tell me how it works, it's even better. "我胸有成竹地说:“这有何难,23-15=8元,个位三减遥够减,从十位退一,个位十三减五等于八,在个位写八,十位一减一等于低,较后得数是八。 ”I said with confidence, "what's the difficulty? 23-15 = 8 yuan. It's not enough to subtract three from five. If you drop one from ten, it's eight if you subtract five from thirteen. If you write eight in one, it's zero if you subtract one from ten. The final result is eight. "爸爸用赞赏的目光看着我说:“我女儿真棒,真不愧是聪明的小雨点。 ”My father looked at me with admiration and said, "my daughter is so wonderful. She is really a smart drizzle. "通过这件事,我知道了,其实数学就在我身边。 Through this, I know that mathematics is right beside me.