周会每逢星期五下午第二节课都是周会,遥也不例外,上课铃响了,老师抱着一摞子日记本走了进来,不知道别的同学是怎么想的,但是我心里扑通扑通的,这次我的日记能不能再加一分。 Every Friday afternoon, the second class is a weekly meeting. Today is no exception. When the bell rings, the teacher comes in with a stack of diary books. I don't know what other students think, but I am very confused. Can I add another point to my diary this time. 首先老师对一周学习好的进行表扬加分,学习不好的减一分,接下来,老师把日记分成好坏两摞,好的加一分、坏的减一分,我属于写得比较好的,当同学给我鼓掌时、老师给我加分时,我心花怒放忍不住想笑出来,但是我还是忍住了。 First of all, the teacher praised the good students in one week, and reduced the bad students by one point. Next, the teacher divided the diary into two stacks: the good ones and the bad ones. I was a good writer. When my classmates applauded me and the teacher gave me the extra points, I couldn't help laughing, but I could not help it. 周会真有意思,我以后要在作文上更上一层楼,让老师给我多多加分。 Zhou Hui is really interesting. I'll take my composition to a higher level in the future, and let the teacher give me more points.