看图写话 禁止摘花秋天,小红在凤凰广场玩。 广场后面有一座假山,山上的树长得很茂盛,装扮的大山像是穿上了一件遥的长袍。 In autumn, Xiao Hong plays in Phoenix Square. There is a rockery at the back of the square. The trees on the mountain grow luxuriantly. The dressed mountain looks like wearing a yellow robe. 近处还有用石头雕刻的各种石像。 不过,较迷人的还是那几束菊花,菊花开得正艳。 花朵有的向四面八方伸展,有的向上翘起,有的向下垂。 。 。 。 。 。 。 ,一朵朵那么美丽,那么优雅,像是在比美似的。 引来了蜜蜂、蝴蝶在欢快的跳舞。 There are also stone sculptures nearby. However, the most charming ones are those bouquets of chrysanthemums, which are blooming. Some flowers stretch in all directions, some are up, some are down. . . . . . . , one after another so beautiful, so elegant, as if in beauty. The bees and butterflies are dancing happily. 小红见了眼前一亮,急着去采。 一个戴着红遥巾的大姐姐却温和的说:“小妹妹,花儿是供大家看的,不是随便采的,如果你采一朵,我采一朵,花坛里就会光秃秃的,多难看啊! ”小红的脸一下子涨得通红。 小红说:“大姐姐,谢谢你,我知道错了。 ” 小红和大姐姐都笑了。