家乡的特产我的家乡在湖北省宜昌市,这儿盛产水果。 五月有桃子,七八月有西瓜、草莓,到了九十月份,人们较喜爱的桔子成熟了。 My hometown is in Yichang City, Hubei Province, which is rich in fruits. There are peaches in May, watermelons and strawberries in July and August. By the end of September, people's favorite oranges have matured. 桔子种在山坡的梯田上,茂密的枝叶向四面展开,就像搭起了一个个绿遥的凉棚。 我们这里出产的桔子非常甜,皮薄,颜遥金遥。 如果剥掉桔子皮,掰下一瓣,放到嘴里一咬,准会有一口的甜水。 桔子皮也有用处,可以做成药、香料,放到冰箱里还能除异味。 Oranges are planted on the terraces on the hillside. The dense branches and leaves spread out in all directions, just like a green canopy. The oranges we produce here are very sweet, thin skinned and golden in color. If you peel the orange, break off a flap, put it into your mouth, there will be a mouthful of sweet water. Orange peel is also useful. It can be used as medicine and spice. It can also remove peculiar smell when put in the refrigerator. 我的家乡有名的特产就是这甜甜的蜜桔,每当桔子成熟,一车车的蜜桔被送往遥各地,其它地方的小朋友也能吃上蜜桔,我爱我的家乡! The famous specialty of my hometown is this sweet orange. When the orange is mature, a car of tangerine is sent to all parts of the country. Children in other places can also eat tangerine. I love my hometown!