可亲可爱的小姐姐我的小姐姐是个活泼开朗的小女孩,她很爱动脑筋,她那双眼睛总是笑眯眯的,好象每天都有高兴的事。 My little sister is a lively and cheerful little girl. She likes to use her brain very much. Her eyes are always smiling, as if there are happy things every day. 在学校里玩球的时候,她总是把球扔给同学,所以,每当这是同学们就会喜形于遥,都喜欢和她玩,她那笑嘻嘻的嘴总是能让人眉开眼笑。 When playing in school, she always throws the ball to her classmates, so whenever this is the students, they will be happy and like to play with her. Her smiling mouth always makes people smile. 记得有遥,我摔倒哭了。 姐姐就在我的旁边讲各式各样的笑话,千方百计地想让我笑,较后,我笑了,小姐姐笑得比我还甜。 这就是我的小姐姐呀! Remember once, I fell down and cried. My sister told all kinds of jokes beside me. She tried everything to make me laugh. At last, I laughed. My little sister laughed sweeter than me. This is my little sister! 我的小姐姐多好呀! 我好喜欢她! How nice my little sister is! I like her so much!