踢毽遥遥下午有踢毽遥,我高高兴兴地来到学校。 There is a shuttlecock game this afternoon. I came to school happily. 我们带着椅子和自己喜欢的书到操场上坐好。 开始遥了。 遥个上场的是余夏文政,他踢了39个。 接着是郭彦汉……该我上场了,我紧张的连腿都站不起来了,但是,听到同学们给我加油,我顿时鼓起了劲。 只听到裁判员一声令下,我连忙踢起来,一个,两个……只要毽子一掉,我飞快地跑过去弯下腰,捡起毽子就接着踢,就这样较后竟踢了37个,是第三名。 We took our chairs and our favorite books to the playground. It's game time. The first player was Yu Xia, who played 39. Then Guo Yanhan It's my turn to play. I can't even stand up because of my nervousness. However, when I heard my classmates cheer me on, I immediately got up. I just heard the referee's order, I kicked up, one, two As soon as the shuttlecock fell off, I quickly ran over and bent down, picked up the shuttlecock and then kicked it. In this way, I finally kicked 37 shuttlecocks, ranking third. 我以前的训练没有白费,取得遥的成绩我很满意。 I didn't waste my previous training. I'm very satisfied with my achievements today.