小老虎的烦恼森林里,有一只小老虎。 它整天闷闷不乐,一点儿也不快乐。 因为它交不到朋友,它想,是不是自己长得太丑? There is a little tiger in the forest. He was unhappy all day, not at all. Because it can't make friends, it thinks, is he too ugly? 它去松鼠的理发店去美容。 小松鼠一见到小老虎就吓得扔掉吹风跑走了。 小老虎很奇怪,他想我还是去找狮子叔叔去理发吧! He went to the squirrel's barber's to have a hairdressing. As soon as the little squirrel saw the little tiger, he was scared to throw away the hairdryer and run away. Little tiger is very strange. He thinks I'd better go to Uncle lion to have my hair cut! 狮子叔叔认真地帮小老虎理了发。 小老虎照着镜子想,这回大家一定会和我交朋友了吧! Uncle lion helped the little tiger to have his hair cut carefully. Little tiger looked in the mirror and thought, this time we will make friends with each other! 小老虎高高兴兴地来到森林里,它对小动物们说:“大家好,我们交个朋友吧? ”话音刚落,动物们一下子全不见了,小老虎这下糊涂了……聪明的小朋友们,你们一定知道原因吧? The little tiger came to the forest happily. He said to the little animals, "Hello, everyone. Shall we make friends? " Just after the speech, the animals are all gone. Little tiger is confused Smart kids, you must know why?