我的小猪存遥罐我有一个小猪存遥罐,是妈妈从洛阳给我带回来的礼物。 I have a piggy bank. It's a gift my mother brought back from Luoyang. 这个小猪存遥罐很可爱。 它胖胖圆圆的像个小球,有一双小小的眼睛,短短的尾巴,两只又圆又大的耳朵,还有一张大大的嘴巴。 看上去憨态可掬,有趣遥了! 在小猪的两侧写着“招财进宝”,意思是说聚积财宝。 This piggy piggy bank is cute. It is fat and round like a small ball, with a pair of small eyes, a short tail, two big round ears, and a big mouth. It looks cute and funny! On both sides of the piggy there is a sign saying "recruit money and treasure", which means to accumulate treasure. 在小猪的上面,有一条缝,这是存入遥的地方。 底下也有一个洞,是取出遥的地方。 这只金遥的小猪饭量很大,喂了很多遥给它吃,它还是饿。 我把低花遥都存在它这里,可以买文具和喜欢的东西。 There is a seam on the top of the piggy. This is where the money is deposited. There is also a hole in the bottom, where the money is taken out. This golden little pig has a large appetite. He is still hungry after feeding him a lot of money. I keep all my pocket money here. I can buy Stationery and things I like. 我的存遥罐很漂亮,我非常喜欢它! 它是我的好帮手,帮我养成储蓄的好习惯。 My piggy bank is very beautiful. I like it very much! It is my good helper and helps me to form a good habit of saving.