美丽的桂林桂林的山水很美丽,到处可见碧水和秀峰。 我看见远处象鼻山的鼻子伸进了水里,仿佛在愉快的喝水,而旁边的笔架山更像一头雄壮的骆驼在注视着远方。 The landscape of Guilin is very beautiful, with clear water and beautiful peaks everywhere. I saw the trunk of Xiangbi mountain stretching into the water in the distance, as if it was drinking happily, and the Bijia mountain next to it was more like a majestic camel watching the distance. 我乘着竹筏顺水而下,穿透一只鸬鹚拍打着翅膀,好像在欢迎我的到来,我喜欢这里的山山水水。 I rode down the water on a bamboo raft, beating my wings through a cormorant, as if to welcome me. I like the mountains and rivers here. 忽然,一阵阵美妙动听的对歌从岸边的榕树里传来。 All of a sudden, bursts of beautiful songs came from the banyan trees on the bank. 啊,壮乡的山美、水美、歌美,人更美! Ah, the beauty of mountains, waters, songs, and people are more beautiful!