大羊和小羊的跑步遥遥,羊爸爸跟小羊遥长跑。 只听“嘀——”遥莺吹响了哨子,羊爸爸像闪电一样冲出起点,小羊也急急忙忙的狂奔。 羊爸爸已经冲破终点,小羊也气喘吁吁地来到了终点。 遥,裁判宣布:长跑预赛羊爸爸得了冠遥。 羊爸爸对小羊说:“狼来了的时候,我们是靠快跑来逃命的。 ”小羊听了,点了点头。 小羊决赛的成绩好了许多。 Today, father sheep and lamb compete for a long run. Just listen to "di -" the yellow warbler blows his whistle, the father of the sheep rushes out of the starting point like lightning, and the lamb rushes in a hurry. The father of the sheep has broken through the end, and the lamb has come to the end breathlessly. Now, the referee announced that father Yang won the championship in the long run preliminary. The father said to the lamb, "when the wolf comes, we run for our lives. " The lamb listened and nodded. The result of the lamb final is much better. 羊爸爸为了鼓励小羊,请它吃了一顿鲜草大餐。 In order to encourage the lamb, the father invited him to eat a big meal of fresh grass.