小草的梦冬天到了,雪下得特别大,纷纷扬扬的,像给大地盖上了一遥厚厚的棉被。 When winter comes, it snows heavily, like a thick quilt covering the earth. 小草就在这样的棉被里开始睡觉,它感到很舒服,很快就安安静静地睡着了。 Grass began to sleep in such a quilt. It felt very comfortable and soon fell asleep quietly. 小草做了一个梦,梦见春天来了,燕子飞回来了,小树绿了,花儿都遥了。 有许许多多的小朋友来到了它们身边玩,他们有的在做游戏,有的在放风筝,有的在唱歌,很热闹。 还有一些小动物也来了,小狗摇着尾巴跑来跑去的,小鸡在四处找虫子吃,花蝴蝶很漂亮,也飞上飞下的……The grass had a dream that spring was coming, swallows were flying back, the trees were green and the flowers were all open. There are many children coming to play with them. Some of them are playing games, some are flying kites, some are singing and are very busy. There are also some small animals coming. The dog is running around with its tail wagging. The chicken is looking for insects to eat. The flower butterfly is very beautiful. It also flies up and down后来小草一下子醒了,它睁开眼,看见春姑娘正站在面前,原来是她叫醒了自己。 小草看见梦里的一切变成了现实,成真的了。 Later, the grass awoke. It opened its eyes and saw spring girl standing in front of it. It turned out that she woke up. The grass saw that everything in the dream had become a reality, a reality. 啊,春天真的来了! Ah, spring is coming!