扫楼梯遥,当我高高兴兴地回家时,一走进楼梯,就忍不住皱起了眉头,想:这楼梯怎么这么脏? 到处都是烟蒂和纸屑,我决定来扫一扫楼梯。 Today, when I came home happily, I could not help frowning as soon as I walked into the stairs, thinking: why is the stairs so dirty? With cigarette butts and scraps of paper everywhere, I decided to sweep the stairs. 一到家,我立刻拿起扫把冲上六楼开始扫。 我一遥一遥地扫着,越到下面的时候那垃圾就越多,较后我拿着簸箕把垃圾扫进去。 As soon as I got home, I picked up the broom and rushed up to the sixth floor. I sweep level by level, the more rubbish there is when I get to the bottom, and finally I sweep the rubbish in with a dustpan. 扫完了,我回到家,妈妈问我:“你的裤子怎么这么脏呀? ”我说:“我站在下面扫的呗! ”妈妈说:“难怪这么脏,你应该站在上面向下扫的呀! ”原来,扫楼梯也有学问呀! When I got home, my mother asked me, "Why are your pants so dirty? " I said, "I'm standing down and sweeping! " Mother said, "no wonder it's so dirty. You should stand on it and sweep down! " It turns out that there is knowledge in sweeping stairs! 虽然我的裤子变脏了,但是楼梯变得干干净净,我心里美滋滋的。 Although my trousers are dirty, the stairs are clean and my heart is happy.