知之为知之,不知为不知我读完《两只老鼠》这篇寓言故事后,我为那只自称为学者的老鼠的下场感到可悲可叹。 它喜欢吹牛,自己腹中空空却还去嘲笑粮仓里的老鼠没有学问,较终死在自己的无知中,成了别人的笑柄。 After reading the fable of two mice, I feel sad for the fate of the mouse who calls himself a scholar. He likes to boast, but he laughs at the lack of knowledge of the mice in the granary. He finally dies in his ignorance and becomes the laughingstock of others. 子日:知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。 孔子认为对待任何事物都要有谦虚诚恳的态度。 知道就是知道,不知道就是不知道,不要不懂装懂,自欺欺人。 如果我们总是自作聪明,不懂装懂,较终只能害人害已。 有些人稍有成就,便认为自己比别人强。 但是,事实证明这种人会一无所获。 因此,我们无论是为学还是为人,都必须要有诚实的态度。 Zi RI: to know is to know, not to know is to know. Confucius believed that we should have a humble and sincere attitude towards everything. Know is know, don't know is don't know, don't pretend to understand, self deception. If we always act wisely and pretend to understand what we don't know, we can only harm others in the end. Some people think they are better than others when they have a little achievement. However, it turns out that such people will get nothing. Therefore, we must have an honest attitude both for learning and for people.