生日遥是我的生日,晚上七点,哥哥奶奶一起来庆祝我的生日。 我迫不急待的打开蛋糕盒,映入眼帘是一个下面裹着白巧克力松,上面布 满了各种五颜六遥水果的精制蛋糕。 在全家人的祝福声中,我吹灭了八支蜡烛,许了心愿。 在爸爸的帮助下我把蛋糕切成了许多块,遥块先给奶奶,祝奶奶寿比南山。 第二块给妈妈,祝妈妈青春永驻。 第三块给爸爸,祝爸爸事业有成。 第四块送哥哥,祝哥哥学习进步。 剩下的送给我的同学们,希望他们和我一样有一个快乐的生日、幸福的童年。 In the blessing of the whole family, I blew out eight candles and made my wish. With the help of my father, I cut the cake into many pieces. The first piece is for grandma first. I wish grandma a long life. The second part is for my mother. I wish her youth forever. The third part is for Dad. I wish Dad success in his career. The fourth part is for brother. I wish him progress in his study. The rest is for my classmates. I hope they have a happy birthday and a happy childhood like me.