图书馆遥妈妈说要带我去图书馆看书。 我说好呀。 Today, my mother said she would take me to the library to read. I said yes. 到了图书馆,我走了进去。 正对图书馆的门口的墙上有个“静”字。 我想:静字的意思就是说不能大声说话、吵闹吧。 我走进了借阅室找到了《脑筋急转弯》这本书,并拿出来看。 看了很久,我又把它放回了原来的位置上。 然后我找到了《憨八龟》这本书。 时间到了,图书馆里的工作人员要下班了,我借了《憨八龟》这本书就回家了。 When I got to the library, I went in. There is a word "Jing" on the wall just opposite the door of the library. I think: the meaning of static words is that you can't speak loudly or make noise. I went into the lending room and found the book "brain teaser" and showed it. After watching it for a long time, I put it back in its original position. Then I found the book "Han eight turtles". It's time for the library staff to get off work. I borrowed the book "Han eight turtles" and went home. 图书馆里的书真多呀! There are so many books in the library!