植树节植树节的早上,小丽拿着一棵树苗,把水桶接满了水,带上了铁铲,来到了自己家后面的田野里,想把小树苗种到花多的地方。 她拿起铁铲,挖了一个坑,把树苗放了进去。 然后,再培上土。 On the morning of tree planting day, Xiao Li took a sapling, filled the bucket with water, took a shovel, and came to the field behind her home, hoping to plant the sapling to the place with more flowers. She picked up the shovel, dug a hole and put the saplings in. Then, soil it. 小丽看见旁边百花盛开,莺歌燕舞,蝴蝶还在头顶上飞来飞去。 小丽高兴的说:“等小树长大了,帮助人们乘凉,还可以让小鸟做许多的窝。 ”小丽想到这些,开心遥了! Xiao Li saw flowers blooming nearby, birds singing and dancing, butterflies flying around her head. Xiaoli said happily, "when the trees grow up, they can help people enjoy the cool, and they can also make a lot of nests for birds. " Xiao Li is very happy to think of these!